Contact Details

📧 Email Addresses

Prescriptions  Please see our Prescriptions page for more info.

Address book Address

Dollar Health Centre
Park Place
FK14 7AA

Telephone Numbers Telephone Numbers

01259 742120
Out of Hours:

Feedback and Complaints

We welcome all feedback, both positive and negative - as it helps us to understand the impact of our activities and services. This helps us to review, adapt and hopefully improve what we do.

Please let us know your comments about the practice and suggestions as to how we can improve our service by speaking to any member of our team or using the form above.

If you have a query regarding a medical matter please telephone reception to make an appointment to see the appropriate person.

If you are unhappy about something that we have done, it is best to first talk to the member of staff involved in your care. If you do this, they can try to sort out your complaint on the spot. If you can't or you do not wish to do this, you can contact one of the GP partners or practice manager. Please do this by email to or phone 01259 742120 and ask to speak to the practice manager.

Formal complaints will be dealt with in line with the NHS complaints procedure. Information about this is available on NHS Inform. We will formally respond to any complaint within 20 working days.

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